Saturday, October 8, 2011

Embracing Reality

View "A"
View "B"
On Friday I went to see another urologist to get answers that a previous doctor was unable to give. It's amazing how clear communication takes away any doubts. It's like the difference between driving with a dirty windshield and one that's clean. My first visit with Doctor "A" left me with lots of questions and doubts.  Like the picture above on the left, I could see ahead of me but didn't quite know what was coming up. Looking at the picture on the right, I can see the edges of the road, the center line and can see ahead. In both pictures my view is limited to a particular distance. Doctor "B" not only gave me a clear diagnosis and explained everything in the pathology report, but he also pointed out significant things that Doctor "A" failed to mention.

I still don't know what definitely lies ahead, but I now "own it" as Wendi said to me this afternoon. She had already embraced the reality of my new-found condition, but I had yet to fully acknowledge it. Some of you know what I'm talking about, but the rest of you will have to guess or e-mail me privately if you really want to know. I do know that I will be blogging about this in January after some really fun tests, tests that I don't need to study for!

Trust Fall
Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." In Romans 8:24, Paul writes, "For in this hope ( freedom from sin and redemption in Christ - not just figuratively, but in reality - v.21, 23) we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?" What Paul and the writer of Hebrews are getting at is that faith is hope in something that is unseen, yet having such a conviction that you actually live by that. The person in the picture directly above doesn't know that those 6 people will actually catch her. It's scary to do this. She hopes that they will catch her. If she knew they'd catch her, then it wouldn't really be faith - according to Paul and the writer of Hebrews. That is how a life living in Christ is. That is what I'm finding to be true. It sure is scary at times, but the thrill of being caught - that's exciting. Am I scared of what lies ahead? Sure, who wouldn't? But am I living in fear or doubt? No - at least not right now. Like the girl in this picture, I'm trusting Christ for whatever happens. A story that illustrates what I'm talking about is found here. I am that man on His back.


Amy Carlisle said...

Thanks for sharing, Scott. I will be praying for you and Wendi. You guys mean a lot to me. Keep up the blog, its refreshing.

Scott Norvell said...

Thanks Amy. I don't always keep up with it but lately I have been finding myself coming to this blog. It's pretty cool to see what God has been doing. I'm looking forward to Chris and you coming out next month!